Diamond Disclaimer
Diamond Disclaimer
At Kurbani Durjini, we are dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality diamonds. However, we acknowledge that there is a possibility that some diamonds may not be entirely authentic despite our best efforts. We want to be transparent about this risk and assure you that we take every possible step to verify the authenticity of the diamonds we offer.
Verification Process
- Expert Evaluation: Each diamond is meticulously inspected by our team of experienced gemmologists. They assess the diamond's cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight to ensure it meets our quality standards.
- Third-Party Authentication: Whenever possible, we obtain certifications from reputable independent gemmological laboratories. These certifications provide detailed information about the diamond's characteristics and serve as an additional layer of verification.
- Advanced Testing: We utilize advanced testing equipment and methodologies to detect any treatments, enhancements, or synthetic origins that may affect the diamond's authenticity.
Limitation of Liability
While we implement rigorous verification procedures, we cannot guarantee the absolute authenticity of every diamond. By purchasing a diamond from Kurbani Durjini, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risk that the diamond may not be fully authentic. Kurbani Durjini shall not be held liable for any claims, losses, or damages arising from the purchase of inauthentic diamonds.
Customer Responsibility
We encourage all customers to conduct their own independent assessments or seek third-party appraisals if there are concerns regarding the authenticity of a diamond. Your satisfaction and confidence are important to us, and we are committed to addressing any issues that may arise to the best of our ability.

库尔巴尼·杜尔吉尼 (kurbani Durjini) 的宅邸
Kurbani Durjini 的寿命源于独特的环境,由 Durjini 的独创性、细节的结合和美感的创新驱动。自 Durjini 于 2021 年在伦敦成立我们公司以来,他对宝石情感力量的迷恋催生了 Durjini。它正在努力成为创新、创造力和工艺的灯塔。自从 Hussan Durjini 在伦敦珠宝区哈顿花园的珠宝商工作台上首次制作珠宝以来,对钻石的强烈热情一直是他生活的驱动力。他的蜕变故事与钻石的故事非常相似——从原始、粗糙的碳转变为珍贵、精致的宝石。 “我一直对钻石着迷,着迷,”他说; “我记得我看着它们,仔细研究它们,以了解它们的纯度以及它们的切割方式。这是一种与生俱来的感觉,后来变成了终生的激情。在他的旅程中,他对精准和对细节的关注的热情已经转化为珠宝。 Durjini 在 21 岁时创立了他的第一家公司,当时他开始与一位更有经验的珠宝商一起工作。 “我建议我们开展业务,并建立了合作伙伴关系,修复西方珠宝。”杜尔吉尼的创业天赋、机会主义本性和敢于冒险的勇气都促成了他的商业轨迹。向英格兰北部诺丁汉的一家珠宝商出售奢华的戒指,我回到伦敦后,他们立即打电话给我,说他们已经卖掉了戒指并想再订购一个。